Omdat ik toch de hele kamer al voorzien had van een hele lading verf troep ook maar meteen begonnen met de Tree opdracht van de groep Around the World in 20 Quilts (ATW20Q). De basis worden gezeefdrukte takken. Leuk werkje dat zeefdrukken. Ik heb vierkantjes in verschillende kleuren gemaakt en de takken er gewoon met acrylverf op gezeefdrukt. Het is de bedoeling dat alle lapjes straks weer in stukken gaan en dat al die stukjes samen een boom vormen.
Because I already spread all of my painting stuff through the living room anyway I thought that I had to start the Around the World in 20 Quilts (ATW20Q) project at the same time. The base will be silkscreen printed branches. Nice job, silkscreen printing. I made squares in different colours and printed the branches with acryl paint. Later on I will cut all the fabrics and the pieces together will make a tree.
Because I already spread all of my painting stuff through the living room anyway I thought that I had to start the Around the World in 20 Quilts (ATW20Q) project at the same time. The base will be silkscreen printed branches. Nice job, silkscreen printing. I made squares in different colours and printed the branches with acryl paint. Later on I will cut all the fabrics and the pieces together will make a tree.